Construction Process Management

Our task is to consult clients in construction industry and to ensure the successful implementation of construction process in compliance with the requirements of regulations, client's wishes and the principles of sustainable development. We have experts with significant experience in management, development, implementation and monitoring of construction projects, which enables us to deliver a complex full-cycle construction process management.

We offer:

  • full-cycle construction project management
  • project development cost planning
  • design process organization
  • cost and time control of construction design
  • development of construction work organization and supervision plan
  • development and quality control of construction technology
  • examination of documentation produced by construction process stakeholders
  • development and approval of construction process documentation
  • representation of the client's interests
Māris Briška
Māris BriškaValdes loceklis, sertificēts būvuzraugs
Māris BriškaValdes loceklis, sertificēts būvuzraugs
Būvinženiera kvalifikācija un profesionālā izglītība darba aizsardzības un drošības jomā. Sertificēts ēku būvuzraugs un pasīvo ēku amatnieks.
10 gadu pieredze ēku un inženiertīklu būvuzraudzībā un būvprojektēšanā, kas ļauj pārraudzīt projektēšanas risinājumus no būvniecības un izmaksu efektivitātes viedokļa.

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