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CMB Ltd. is an engineering competence centre with 17 years of experience in providing multi-disciplinary engineering services from planning stage to a commissioned building at all stages of its lifecycle. Professionality, individual approach to clients’ needs and service quality are the basis for long-term cooperation with the client.
In Latvia CMB is one of the leading companies in the field of expert-examination of design and buildings, architectural and technical design, construction process management, energy efficiency and sustainable construction solutions.
Your wishes + our solutions = sustainable buildings!
At present CMB team consists of 68 personalities
18 qualified engineers
29 certified specialists
14 certified passive house designers
3 accredited BREEAM assessors
The vision of the CMB engineering competence centre is to offer customers the most efficient, sustainable and advanced engineering solutions.
CMB team is operating in the engineering services market since 2005. Professionals are our most valuable asset. Currently CMB brings together 70 construction specialists.
CMB represents interests of clients at all stages of building lifecycle. Quality management system ISO 9001 is introduced to ensure quality of services and efficient working processes.