Expert-examination of Construction Design

Construction design expert-examination is mandatory for construction design of the third group (public) buildings to evaluate the design compliance with mechanical resistance and stability, fire safety, use and accessibility, as well as energy-efficiency requirements. Construction design parts subject to mandatory expert-examination are as follows:

  • architectural design
  • structural design
  • safety provisions in case of fire and  fire safety solutions
  • calculated energy-efficiency in compliance with the Energy Efficiency Law
  • works organization plan
  • economic part – mandatory for state and municipality buildings and facilities

The objective of expert-examination is to assess the conformity of technical solutions of construction design with the requirements of regulations and standards, design order of the customer, building permit and regulations issued by respective competent institutions. Our experts are certified by the State Construction Control Bureau.

We offer:

  • load calculation and development of structural calculation model
  • complete expert-examination of all construction design parts in compliance with design order of the customer
Artis Dzirkalis
Artis DzirkalisHead of the Board,
Lead Civil Engineer
Artis DzirkalisHead of the Board,
Lead Civil Engineer
Chairman of the Latvian Construction Council. Board Member of the Latvian Civil Engineers’ Union and Association "Passive House Latvija".
Master's degree in civil engineering. 20 years’ experience in construction engineering, expert-examination of buildings, technical survey, project management. Involved in regulatory framework improvement. Conducts trainings on technical inspection, survey of buildings.

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