
The top-level management is constituted by the Board, which, in accordance with CMB Ltd. statutes, directs and represents the company, as well as determines the duties, powers and responsibilities of employees. The Board consists of experienced industry experts who manage the company's every day operations. The CMB Board consists of the Head of the Board and three Board Members.

Artis Dzirkalis
Artis DzirkalisHead of the Board,
Lead Civil Engineer
Artis DzirkalisHead of the Board,
Lead Civil Engineer
Chairman of the Latvian Construction Council. Board Member of the Latvian Civil Engineers’ Union and Association "Passive House Latvija".
Master's degree in civil engineering. 20 years’ experience in construction engineering, expert-examination of buildings, technical survey, project management. Involved in regulatory framework improvement. Conducts trainings on technical inspection, survey of buildings.
Māris Briška
Māris BriškaValdes loceklis, sertificēts būvuzraugs
Māris BriškaValdes loceklis, sertificēts būvuzraugs
Būvinženiera kvalifikācija un profesionālā izglītība darba aizsardzības un drošības jomā. Sertificēts ēku būvuzraugs un pasīvo ēku amatnieks.
10 gadu pieredze ēku un inženiertīklu būvuzraudzībā un būvprojektēšanā, kas ļauj pārraudzīt projektēšanas risinājumus no būvniecības un izmaksu efektivitātes viedokļa.
Raitis BrencisBoard Member
Doctor's degree in construction science. Associate Professor at the Latvia University of Agriculture. Certified expert in technical inspection, energy certification of buildings, construction supervision, passive house design.
10 years’ experience in technical survey, expert-examination, crack monitoring and sound insulation measurements of public and residential buildings. Author of scientific publications on acoustic properties of materials.

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