
CMB started its operation in engineering services market in 2005. Currently CMB brings together 70 construction specialists. Skilled staff is our most valuable asset and a quality guarantee. We have implemented more than 1000 engineering projects in successful cooperation of multidisciplinary specialists.

CMB is a competence centre where new construction specialists, students and experienced experts meet. Young people develop their creative potential here, while experienced experts continue their professional development by sharing experience and educating other industry professionals.

Maris BriskaBoard Member
Qualified civil engineer and a professional in the field of occupational health and safety. Certified building construction supervisor and passive house tradesperson.
10 years’ experience in supervision of buildings and engineering networks and construction design, which allows supervision of design solutions and cost-effectiveness of buildings.
Raitis BrencisBoard Member
Doctor's degree in construction science. Associate Professor at the Latvia University of Agriculture. Certified expert in technical inspection, energy certification of buildings, construction supervision, passive house design.
10 years’ experience in technical survey, expert-examination, crack monitoring and sound insulation measurements of public and residential buildings. Author of scientific publications on acoustic properties of materials.
Maija Dzirkale
Maija DzirkaleHead of Construction Design Team, Sustainable Construction Engineer
Maija DzirkaleHead of Construction Design Team, Sustainable Construction Engineer
Certified BREEAM assessor, LEED Green Associate and passive house designer. Master's degree in heat, gas and water engineering systems. As team leader ensures collaboration and teamwork to find the best solutions in construction and design projects. Promotes passive and sustainable design for high quality life of clients.

Zinta Sirma
Zinta SirmaHead of Legal Advisor Team

Zinta SirmaHead of Legal Advisor Team

Master's degree in law. 10 years’ professional experience in providing legal advice, drafting construction procurement tender documentation and evaluating tenders, as well as in managing complex procurement procedures. Conducted green public procurement training courses for municipalities and revised municipal procurement documents in accordance with the Public Procurement Law.
Zane Koroļa
Zane KoroļaArhitektūras nodaļas vadītāja
Zane KoroļaArhitektūras nodaļas vadītāja
Sertificēta arhitekte un būvprojektu eksperte. Piecpadsmit gadu pieredze dažādu funkciju un apjoma ēku projektēšanā un būvprojektu vadībā. Trīs gadu garumā veic būvprojektu Arhitektūras risinājumu un Darbu organizācijas projektu ekspertīzes, kā arī būvprojektu ekspertīžu vadīšanu.
Kristaps Lejins
Kristaps LejinsHead of Engineering Survey Team, Certified Civil Engineer
Kristaps LejinsHead of Engineering Survey Team, Certified Civil Engineer
Master’s degree in construction engineering. Certified passive house designer. Certified specialist in building construction supervision, technical inspection of buildings.
More than 5 years’ professional experience in technical inspection and survey of many significant public and residential buildings, monitoring of deformations.

Lauma Auermane
Lauma AuermaneHead of the Water Supply and Wastewater Systems Design Team
Lauma AuermaneHead of the Water Supply and Wastewater Systems Design Team
Certified water supply and wastewater systems designer.
5 years’ experience in internal and external network design, 6 years’ experience in management of internal and external networks construction. Prepared design for water services development projects in largest municipalities in Latvia. Performs technical inspections for WS and WW networks.
Arnis Auermanis
Arnis AuermanisEnergoaudita nodaļas vadītājs
Arnis AuermanisEnergoaudita nodaļas vadītājs

+371 29229501
Kaspars Locs
Kaspars LocsBIM Project Coordinator
Kaspars LocsBIM Project Coordinator
Bachelor’s degree in architectural technology and construction management. Six years BIM designing experience in Denmark. Adapts design in BIM environment and supervises BIM process, as well as develops internal BIM designing standards.

+371 28688815

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